Ensemble of Estonian Electronic Music Society (EMA)
Doris Hallmägi
Ekke Västrik
Mihkel Tomberg
Taavi Kerikmäe
Tarmo Johannes
Theodore Lee Parker
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Digital & Analog
Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes (*1977, Estonia) – Aria (2021, premiere)
Vytautas V. Jurgutis (*1976, Lithuania) – Tinohi (2018)
Märt-Matis Lill (*1975, Estonia) – Imaginary Soundscapes II (2021, premiere)
Taivo Lints (*1980, Estonia) – Rhythm Convergence (2021, premiere)
Platon Buravicky (*1989, Latvia) – Safety borders (2021, premiere)
Liina Sumera (*1988, Estonia) – Netrunners (2021, premiere)
Formed in 2017, the Ensemble of the Estonian Electronic Music Society (EMA) is dedicated to playing electronic chamber music. The group aims to transcend technological restraints and promote sensitive musicianship, responding to each other and keen hearing, making full use of all the incredibly rich sonic possibilities offered by electronic instruments. The ensemble comprises six musicians – Doris Hallmägi, Ekke Västrik, Mihkel Tomberg, Taavi Kerikmäe, Tarmo Johannes and Theodore Parker. The ensemble has performed at festivals such as AFEKT, ISCM World Music Days / Estonian Music Days, Üle Heli, Tallinn Music Weeks, etc. The Ensemble of the Estonian Electronic Music Society has been lauded for their flexibility and musicality, which, in the case of electronic music, can easily be lost among the switches and sliders. The range of available instruments varies from Buchla and Serge synthesizers to laptop-based live-electronics.
The programme of this concert includes new compositions created as a result of the collaborative residency between the ensemble and the Estonian Composers’ Union, where composers were introduced to the ample technological opportunities of the ensemble and which also involved the usage of live electronics in contemporary music. To promote cooperation among the Baltic States, the programme also includes electronic works by Latvian and Lithuanian composers.
the festival Event survey
EMP TV live broadcast.