Guest Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes. Moderator Andrus Laansalu.
Questions, answers, pauses, sounds, smiles, silences… “Composer, who are you?” is an inquisitive space for thought brought to you in cooperation with the Estonian Composers’ Union and the Estonian Classical Radio, where the Composer opens up about the DNA of their musical essence and worldviews with the help of guiding questions from a colleague. The visitor is Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes (1977).
Tatjana has studied music theory and composition (under Toivo Tulev) at the Georg Ots Tallinn Music School, and at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre with Jaan Rääts and thereafter with Helena Tulve (MA). Tatjana’s additional training includes a new music course in Germany, Darmstadt (2006 and 2008), and studies at the Giuseppe Tartini State Conservatory of Trieste (2003–2004, under Fabio Nieder). She has won several prizes: Made of Hot Glass received 3rd Prize at the International Rostrum of Composers in Paris (2004); Disintegration Chain (2011, Vienna) and Lighting the Fire (2018, Budapest) were chosen among the ten best compositions in the rostrum’s main category. She has received the Kranichstein Music Prize at the Darmstadt new music summer course (2006), the Heino Eller Music Prize in 2008, and the Estonian Music Days Prize in 2004, 2005, 2009 and 2011. She participated in the collaborative MIM project of the Estonian National Opera and Kanuti Guild Hall, Estonian History. A Nation Born of Shock. Tatjana teaches composition at the Georg Ots Music School. In collaboration with Helena Tulve she occasionally conducts master classes of so-called sound objects, targeted at the restoration and development of listening abilities. In 2015, Tatjana received the Annual Music Award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment.
The conversation is moderated by Andrus Laansalu (*1969). Laansalu teaches art analysis based on evolutionary theory and biosemiotics at the Estonian Academy of Arts. He is currently writing his doctoral thesis on the breakage of art objects and is a member of the stream theatre group e¯lektron. His hobbies include playing the double bass and building a motorcycle.