Quadra Piano Quartet (Latvia)
Rihards Plešanovs – piano
Arvīds Zvagulis – violin
Pēteris Trasuns – violin
Kārlis Klotiņš – cello
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Baltic Fantasies
Gundega Šmite (*1977, Latvia) – Six Fantasies After Latvian Folk Songs (2020, premiere, dedicated to Quadra)
Tõnis Kaumann (*1971) – Piano Quartet Instructions for Life (2002, premiere), III movement
Andris Dzenītis (*1978, Latvia) – 3 in 4 (2020, dedicated to Quadra)
Arvydas Malcys (*1957, Lithuania) – The Snow Hyacinth (2019, dedicated to Quadra)
The exceptionally talented piano quartet Quadra is one of the most rapidly rising professional music collectives in Latvia. The repertoire of Quadra includes music from different eras, with special focus on the chamber music of contemporary and Latvian composers. The quartet often premieres and performs works by Pēteris Vasks, Imants Zemzars, Tālivalds Ķeniņš, Jānis Ķepītis, Agra Engelmāns, Andris Dzenītis, Oskars Herliņš, Armands Skuķis, Vineta Līce and Juris Karlsons. The ensemble’s concert “Ķeniņš un Quadra” on November 30, 2019 at the New Music Festival “Arena” was nominated for the Latvian “Grand Music Award 2019” in the category “Concert of the Year”. Musicologist Armands Znotins has said about Quadra: “Without the piano quartet Quadra, Latvian chamber music would be much poorer. They perform new works by Latvian composers while remaining true to already established values; they maintain a dialogue between these scores and the performance of foreign avant-garde, occasionally glancing at the older and more classical past.”
The concert will be broadcasted by EMP TV and recorded by Baltic Contemporary Music Network.