Taavi Kerikmäe – piano
Tarmo Johannes – flute
Fie Schouten – bass clarinet
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Triplex DNA
Justina Repečkaitė (*1989, Lithuania) – Incantare for flute and tape (2018)
Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes (*1977) – To Sing a Song Before the Night Comes for flute, bass clarinet and piano (2020, premiere)
Santa Bušs (*1981, Latvia) – Rosemarin for solo bass clarinet (2010)
Jonathan Harvey (1939–2012, UK) – The Riot for flute, bass clarinet and piano (1993)
HETK Trio (hetk – ‘moment’, ‘instant’ in Estonian) is inspired by and pays tribute to the world famous Het Trio (Harrie Starreveld – flute, Harry Sparnaay – bass clarinet, René Eckhardt – piano) that was active in 1982–2006, performed all over the world and premièred over 180 new pieces. Fie Schouten (bass clarinet) and Tarmo Johannes (flute) studied respectively with Harry Sparnaay and Harrie Starreveld. HETK Trio tries partly to pass on the best pieces of their vast heritage but it is also interested in finding and commissioning new pieces to extend the repertoire of the peculiar trio.
the festival Event survey
Live broadcast by EMP TV & Klassikaraadio. The concert will be transferred across Europe through the EBU (European Broadcasting Union).