Elo Masing is a composer/free improviser of Estonian origin, currently based in Berlin, Germany. Her music has been performed internationally by renowned soloists and ensembles, such as Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (EE), Ensemble L’Itinéraire (FR), Ensemble Adapter (DE), Ensemble Fractales (BE), Ensemble mmm… (Japan), Ian Pace (UK), and many others. Her music has appeared on labels such as Squeaky Kate, squib-box, CRAM, Creative Sources, and 577 Records.
In 2015, she was awarded a Ph.D. from the Royal Academy of Music, London, where she explored the physicality of instrumental performance in chamber music, and with support from the Academy, received private tuition from Rebecca Saunders in Berlin. With composer-improviser Dave Maric, she forms the free improvisation duo Vicious Circus whose debut album was released to critical acclaim in 2014, followed in 2015 by an innovative release of the album Hand Written Tweets; on 12 unique wax cylinders. Elo Masing is also a member of the Berlin-based composers’-improvisers’ ensemble Reanimation Orchestra, as well as the London-based large-scale free improvisation group London Experimental Ensemble, renowned for making the first complete recording of Cornelius Cardew’s Treatise. Elo works regularly with musicians on the Berlin scene, such as Jack Adler-McKean, Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson, Marie Takahashi, Céline Voccia, Vincent Laju, Guilherme Rodrigues, and many others, as well as dancers, such as Meltem Nil, Coline Quintin, and Mariangela Tinelli. She also plays and arranges music in the experimental rock band Golden Dark.