The music of Timo Steiner (b. 1976) playfully combines miscellaneous styles and compositional techniques, along with hidden messages. Timo began composition studies in Tallinn Music High School with René Eespere, Toomas Trass and Mati Kuulberg and continued at Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) with Jaan Rääts and Raimo Kangro on master’s level. Further tuition followed under the guidance of Marek Stachowski in Rostock and Roman Ledenyov at Moscow Conservatory. Timo has received prestigious awards for his compositions, is the founder and artistic director of the Bow Piano Ensemble and has written film scores. Timo is also active in music administration, promotion and education. He established EAMT Autumn Festival (with Ülo Krigul), monthly events introducing members of the Composers’ Union, is one of the artistic directors of the Estonian Music Days and was the host of the music programme “MI” on Estonian Television. In 1996, he started as a composition and music theory teacher in Tallinn Music High School. Since 2005, Timo Steiner is the headmaster of the school.