19:00 – 20:00
The House of the Black Heads
Venue info + map
Tickets 18/12€
Anna-Liisa Eller (Estonian chromatic kannel)
Taavi Kerikmäe (clavichord, harmonium, electronics)
David Kellner* – Fantasy in D Major
– Aria
Märt-Matis Lill – Un’aura dolce… soave vento (2023, premiere)
David Kellner (1670–1748) – Fantasy in D Minor
Helena Tulve – Valvaja [Guard] (2002/2023 version for synthesizer, premiere)
Johann Valentin Meder (1649–1719) – Suite for harpsichord in C Minor (from Clavir-Buch von Johann David Peter, 1704?)
Allemande – Courante – Sarabande
Tõnu Kõrvits – Music for a Rainy Day: Prelude & Chaconne (2022)
David Kellner – Campanella
– Aria
*David Kellner’s pieces from XVI auserlesene Lauten-Stücke (Hamburg, 1747)
Märt-Matis Lill: “Un’aura dolce… soave vento (A sweet breath of air… a gentle wind, 2023, premiere) is a passage from the Purgatorio of Dante’s Divine Comedy, in which Dante has just arrived in the Garden of Eden and feels the soft warmth of the air on his face:
Un’aura dolce, sanza mutamento
avere in sé, mi feria per la fronte
non di più colpo che soave vento;
A softly-breathing air, that no mutation
Had in itself, upon the forehead smote me
No heavier blow than of a gentle wind;
(translated into English by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
This is one of the most beautiful and idyllic passages in The Purgatory, which is filled with a special feeling of freedom and tenderness. I took the light, soft and gently shifting wind as the starting point for my work.”
Helena Tulve: “The original version of “Guard” was written for the outstanding Estonian oboe player Kalev Kuljus and commissioned by NYYD Ensemble in 2002. The piece was inspired by Inge Kudisiim’s original print of the same title. The new version for synthesizer is the result of a collaboration with Taavi Kerikmäe, who is also the initiator of this version.”
Tõnu Kõrvits’s Music for Rainy Days is dedicated to Anna-Liisa Eller and was premiered in autumn 2022. The work consists of two parts: Prelude and Chaconne. It is a musical homage to the rain. Chaconne is based on a chromatically descending 12-tone scale, sounding in different voices.
Anna-Liisa Eller and Taavi Kerikmäe are brilliant musicians who have performed together as an unusual duo of Estonian kannel and keyboards for several years. In their mutual performances they have fascinatingly blended early and contemporary music. The present concert will include (new) works by Märt-Matis Lill, Helena Tulve and Tõnu Kõrvits, together with pieces of David Kellner and Johann Valentin Meder, great composers of the Baroque era, both connected to Estonia.
The concert is preceded by an introduction to yoga breathing (pranayama) with yoga trainer Reet Remmel in the Olavi Hall at 18:00. Admission with a concert ticket.
The concert will be live-broadcasted by Klassikaraadio.